Me too…

I had this idea for a camera app for quite a while now: being included in the picture while you are taking it.

This can be handy when you are at a party and you don’t want to be left out, to state you were there, in front of a beautiful landscape, etc…

Very simple and basic…


Update: hadn’t worked on this project for a looooong time but, after updating my phone to ICS and finding out it wouldn’t work, I decided to re-open the project and fix it: now it should work with any Android phone with two cameras and Android Gingerbread (2.3) or above!

6 Respostes to “Me too…”

  1. Oliver Says:


    I’m a Beginning Developer from Germany. I have a problem with the front facing camera on Samsung Galaxy S (Android 2.2).
    I can’t take a picture with the front facing camera and get a green screen. But the preview is correct.
    With the Back-Camera can I make photos.

    Where is the problem?

    Here is my code:

    In your App works the front facing camera.
    I would be very grateful of your help.

    Thank you! Oli

    • loxai Says:

      I’ve replied the stackoverflow post, let me know if that works…

      • Oliver Says:

        Don’t work 😦

        This is my Logcat:

        04-11 13:52:13.762: INFO/ShotSingle(11475): ShotSingle::takePicture start
        04-11 13:52:13.762: ERROR/CameraHardwareSec(11475): stopPreview()
        04-11 13:52:13.762: ERROR/SecCamera(11475): cancelAutofocus()
        04-11 13:52:13.762: ERROR/SecCamera(11475): ERR(fimc_v4l2_g_ctrl):VIDIOC_G_CTRL failed
        04-11 13:52:13.762: ERROR/SecCamera(11475): cancelAutofocus(): getAutoFocusResult() is failed
        04-11 13:52:13.762: ERROR/SecCamera(11475): cancelAutofocus() end, 0, -1
        04-11 13:52:13.803: ERROR/SecCamera(11475): stopPreview()
        04-11 13:52:13.803: ERROR/SecCamera(11475): fimc_v4l2_streamoff()
        04-11 13:52:13.879: ERROR/CameraHardwareSec(11475): stopPreview() end
        04-11 13:52:13.879: INFO/ShotSingle(11475): ShotSingle::takePicture end
        04-11 13:52:13.879: DEBUG/SecCamera(11475): passed fmt = 1498831189 found pixel format[3]: YUV 4:2:2 packed, CbYCrY
        04-11 13:52:13.906: WARN/CameraService(11475): width(640), height(480), format:jpeg
        04-11 13:52:13.906: ERROR/SecCamera(11475): ERR(fimc_v4l2_s_ext_ctrl):VIDIOC_S_EXT_CTRLS failed
        04-11 13:52:13.906: ERROR/SecCamera(11475): unsigned char* android::SecCamera::getJpeg(int*, unsigned int*)::1792 fail
        04-11 13:52:13.906: ERROR/CameraHardwareSec(11475): ERR(pictureThread):Fail on SecCamera->getSnapshot()

  2. Oliver Says:

    I’ve replied your stackoverflow post…

  3. Oliver Says:

    Can you send me your access to the front camera?

    Here is my E-mail: [removed!]

    Thank you very much! 🙂

  4. MeToo - Android Apps - Best Android Apps, News and Reviews | Says:

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