a bold monetization idea for twitter: soldier tags for real life first ‘tinder’ encounter

Novembre 3, 2022

problem: tinder/etc are not healthy social mechanisms (details long, skipping). they have some value and this is exploited with smart business models (supported by covid, with social/basic instincts allure, etc…). it could be done better and open future options, with great monetization along the way.

solution: try to mix back some real world, old school, organic element to dating in the twenty first century (digital is unavoidable, but keep some grounding). use tags that are (optionally) visible in the real world. with RFID that can be disabled, and QR code as alternative.
you see someone with the tag. say hi. chat in person, tag or not for later review (to match or not).

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una mica del tot (part 1)

Agost 15, 2022

note: kinda raw, needs edit. so done edit. still needs more… posting, updates may or may not occur.

linked to the now rather familiar idea of multiverse (at least through movie plots, like “Everything, everywhere all at once”, recommended). I’m discussing here a ‘quantum’ intuition about everything (and why free will doesn’t exist and soul… well, maybe, maybe not, it’s classified)

in short

some news: maybe big bang happened, and also didn’t. and such duality is the core element of nature. superposition is minimal two states, non existence and existence.
bad news: free will is an illusion. the illusion being that you feel you chose, but the alternative you that chose the other option also exists, in their own universe (and also feeling they were the ones choosing freely… kinda, but the end result is that both decisions you took, exist anyway)
mystic news: soul exists, as the sum of yous in each universe where you exist (finite numbere of universes). this also supports ideas like feeling connected to someone you don’t know… in this your universe.

in long

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Are ASDs too sensitive?

Març 6, 2022

quick update (a few months later): yeah, my current thought is that hsp (high sensitivity person) is this broad condition, and in certain cases it can lead to neurodivergences like asd, bipolar, esquizofrenia, etc… but not always: milder hsps or particular individuals may not have such added features. I mean, maybe, not a doctor. On with the original post:

I originally wrote this for reddit, r/autism. but some moderating bot seems to dislike something about it, no idea what… so posting on my own, old abandoned blog:

TL;DR: I went a bit overboard with the post, so if you want to skip my rumblings, just read this: https://www.steadyhealth.com/articles/autism-and-hyper-empathy-syndrome-adults-with-aspergers-and-too-much-empathy

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bicivermut ™

Novembre 8, 2020

after 2 weekends in development, I have decided to release my gift to humanity: the vermucycle (or bicivermut). great, healthy experience through 3 easy steps:

A) set a cycling route. not too challenging, not too easy. the way back should be easier than the path to get there. ie. go up hill

B) pack favourite drink and light food. I go with canned tapas and beer. take a small plate, fork/stick and small bag to take the rubbish back home (extra points if you bring back more rubbish than you brought)

C) profit (and share!). ideally once a week, combine with regular exercise. on your own or with friends (try both, different reward)

backup solar power station

Abril 12, 2020

ever since we moved to a rural house in Spain, I wanted to cut the cord and install solar/wind power.

the plan always gets delayed, because panels are getting cheaper everyday, and it is still quite an investment.

but our source of electricity is not the most reliable. and we have some electric systems that we want to secure, would the worst happen.

so, as a learning project, I decided to do a mini power station.


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Marcel’s bed time story #1

Abril 9, 2020

I like this story I made with Marcel, we use it on the projector some nights.

ahem, some copyrights in there, belonging to their usual owners…

keeping it here, as I plan on compiling a book from the blog again (done few years back).

I made a chicken coop

Abril 5, 2020

… sooo, after so many years of blog silence, I’ve decided to show up again. mostly for practical reasons: I want to keep an online record of current activities.

after many years with the idea to become more self-sustainable, I finally took the #stayathome excuse of early 2020 (during the Covid19 confinement) to get started with it.

as a veteran IT guy, switching to wood working has been a pleasant pivot. I’ve been creating intangible software for years. and it’s been a refreshing change to build something this large, this real, as part of a larger goal.

I saw many beautiful coop designs online, and decided to go for an A-frame type as it seemed the most suitable for a novice. didn’t really plan much, just took this as inspiration (and a couple youtube videos with tips/tricks for a better chicken life) to proceed making my own with the materials I had laying around the house (I did buy some basics at the beginning).

the end result, well, it’s not pretty, but I’m glad the 3 chickens I bought started producing just two days after arriving home. I think they are happy!

provant el quick post…

Agost 5, 2012


aquí una prova de post ràpid, q segurament faré servir per a l’inminent viatge. és probable q els pròxims posts sien en anglès per ser més accessible, però res q no es pugui traduïr a cop de google translate 🙂 ah, la foto és vista al jardí de davant de casa

em falta plantar una criatura i tenir un arbre…

gener 15, 2012

fa unes setmanes em va arribar un oferiment de printcolor per a publicar el blog en forma de llibre. atret per la idea i encuriosit per la possibilitat de tenir aquests vora 5 anys d’escriptura digital en el mon real, em vai posar a maquetar seguint les instruccions per a impremta.

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buscant bosons de Higgs en felins…

Desembre 22, 2011

fa anys vai escriure un article bromós q va arribar a publicar-se online. això era pel 2002, abans de popularitzar-se l’esfera blogaire i a mi em va fer prou il.lusió, tot i ser, de fet, una ximpleria.

el cas és q vai perdre el document original i, en desaparèixer la web on estava penjat, qualsevol rastre de l’article. pro avui he tingut un flash (back!): fer servir l’arxiu d’internet (un sistema q manté backups periòdics del interness) per localitzar el post i BINGO!

Aquest any he tingut el blog bastant deixat així q, per justificar els pressupostos milionaris, he decidit publicar tal beneiteria sobre com fabricar un accelerador de partícules… amb gats… i, evidentment, com qualsevol paper científic, en anglès… he estat temptat de fer algunes modificacions/correccions, però al final he decidit deixar-lo tal qual… enjoy!

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